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Version: 1.x

Assets and Blocks

Mantle provides a fluent wrapper on-top of WordPress' enqueue system. It relies on the wp-asset-manager package to provide a number of flexible methods for asset registration.

Mantle includes a Asset_Service_Provider class for managing asset and block registration. Assets can be registered in any of your service providers, too. You can use the Asset facade or the asset() helper method to quickly access the API.


Mantle's front-end asset and block system aims to be as flexible as possible and inline with Alley's create-wordpress-plugin project.


A fresh installation of Mantle will include a package.json and depends on Node 16. You can get started by running:

npm install

Mantle is configured to have a development mode and a build mode to make it easy to develop and build your application.

# Development mode
npm run dev

# Build mode
npm run build


Mantle's build system is powered by Webpack and configured via the webpack.config.js file. Out of the box, you will be able to build standalone entries as well as WordPress blocks using either JavaScript or TypeScript.

Standalone Entries

Mantle is configured to read entries from the entries directory. You can create a new entry by creating a new folder in the entries directory and adding an index.js/index.ts file. For example, if you wanted to create an entry for your application's homepage, you could create a entries/home directory and add an index.ts file.

Once you have created an entry, you can register and enqueue it via Registering Assets.

What is a webpack entry?

A webpack entry is a file that webpack will use to start building your application. It is the entry point to your application. For example, you could have an entry point for your application's homepage and another for articles.

WordPress Blocks

Mantle is designed to make it easy to build WordPress blocks and works with Alley's standard practice of building and defining WordPress blocks. To get started, you can use Alley's Create Block package to define a new block:

npx @alleyinteractive/create-block

Without providing any options the tool will prompt the user through several options for creating a block.

Once the block is created, the block will be automatically registered and loaded by Mantle via the Asset_Service_Provider's load_blocks method.

Registering Assets

Assets can be enqueued in a fluent-basis on top of the existing WordPress API using the asset() helper method. Mantle will read the Webpack manifest and automatically determine the URL for the asset.

To get us started, let's enqueue a script from our entries directory:

asset()->script( '/example-entry/index.js' );

Mantle will take it from there and register the asset with WordPress as well as all dependencies from @wordpress/dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin.

Scripts can also be made to load with async and/or defer:

->script( '/example-entry/index.js' )

Styles can be enqueued in the same way:

asset()->style( '/example-entry/index.css' );

Registering Non-Webpack Assets

Mantle also provides a way to register non-Webpack assets that don't come from the Webpack manifest. This is useful for registering assets from plugins or other sources.

asset()->script( 'example-handle', '/path/to/example.js' );

asset()->style( 'example-handle', '/path/to/example.css' );

The version and other dependencies of the asset can also be specified with the version() and dependencies() method:

->script( 'example-handle', '/path/to/example.js' )
->version( '1.0' )
->dependencies( [ 'unicorn-js' ] );

Asset Conditions

Mantle also provides a way to conditionally enqueue assets. By default, all assets registered will be enqueued on all pages. However, you can specify conditions for when the asset should be enqueued via Alley's wp-asset-manager plugin (which Mantle depends on).

->script( 'example-handle', '/path/to/example.js' )
->condition( 'home' );

For more information, checkout the wp-asset-manager documentation. The Asset_Service_Provider included with Mantle has a `on_am_asset_conditions`` method that can be used to register/manipulate conditions.

namespace App\Providers;

use Mantle\Assets\Asset_Service_Provider as Service_Provider;

class Asset_Service_Provider extends Service_Provider {
// ...

* Filter the asset conditions for the site.
* @param array $conditions Conditions to filter.
* @return array
public function on_am_asset_conditions( array $conditions ): array {
$conditions['podcast-page'] = is_singular( 'podcast' ) || is_post_type_archive( 'podcast' );

return $conditions;

We can now use the podcast-page condition in our asset registration:

->script( 'example-handle', '/path/to/example.js' )
->condition( 'podcast-page' );