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Version: 1.x

Console Command


Mantle provides a console application that is integrated with WP-CLI to make running commands easier. Out of the box, Mantle includes a bin/mantle console application that can do a number of things without connecting to WordPress or the database.

bin/mantle <command>

The bin/mantle application allows you to generate classes, models, etc. as well as discover the current state of the application. For example, you can run bin/mantle model:discover to automatically register all the models in the application without needing to install WordPress. This is incredibly useful in a CI/CD environment where you want to prepare the application for deployment.

The application also integrates with WP-CLI. Running wp mantle <command> will provide an even larger set of commands that can be run through the application and interact with WordPress/the database.

Generating a Command

To generate a new command, you may use the make:command command. This command will create a new command class in the app/console directory. The command will also be automatically discovered and registered by the application.

bin/mantle make:command <name>

Command Structure

After generating a command, you should verify the $name and $synopsis properties which determine the name and arguments/flags for the command, respectively. The $synopsis property is the wp-cli definition of the command's arguments (reference the wp-cli documentation). The Mantle Service Container will automatically inject all dependencies that are type-hinted in the class. The following command would be registered to wp mantle example_command:

namespace App\Console;

use Mantle\Console\Command;

* Example_Command Controller
class Example_Command extends Command {
* The console command name.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'example:my-command {argument} [--flag]';

* Callback for the command.
public function handle() {
// Write to the console.
$this->line( 'Message to write.' );

// Error to the console.
$this->error( 'Error message but does not exit without the second argument being true' );

// Ask for input.
$question = $this->prompt( 'Ask a question?' );
$password = $this->secret( 'Ask a super secret question?' );

// Get an argument.
$arg = $this->argument( 'name-of-the-argument', 'Default Value' );

// Get a flag.
$flag = $this->flag( 'flag-to-get', 'default-value' );

Registering a Command

Once generated, the commands should automatically be registered by the application. If for some reason that doesn't work or you wish to manually register commands, you can add them to the app/console/class-kernel.php file in your application:

namespace App\Console;

use Mantle\Console\Kernel as Console_Kernel;

* Application Console Kernel
class Kernel extends Console_Kernel {
* The commands provided by the application.
* @var array
protected $commands = [

Command Arguments / Options

Arguments and options can be included in the signature of the command. Arguments are required and options are optional. The signature is defined as a string with the following format:

{argument} [--option]

The arguments/options can be retrieved from the command's argument( $key )/option( $key ) methods.